On the Irrational Numbers of Us

Issue 04

Word Count: 90

Mark Balobeck United States

The author is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and an ex-newspaper reporter who is currently working as a freelance writer in the western Pennsylvania area.
His work has appeared in The Pittsburgh Quarterly, The NewPeople, Eye To The Telescope and in six self-published chapbooks, most recently in July, 2021’s Songs Of Silent Music, printed by Mechling Bookbindery of Butler, PA.
On The Irrational Numbers Of Us is part of an unpublished manuscript titled Units Of Sense.

Thrice aware


The just
meek breed
and are not

lucid toward

their own

Invincible inheritance.

A power of humans, they


Time and
grander than
God designs

Worship, like
slavery, is

To free

Just so the strong grow fat with being
Wrong restrained by inordinate wealth
And Zeno’s paradox alogistic
By halves their privative privilege drains
Drains their Humanity away they cry out! the holy
Names, and yet, they know not how or why
The paved progress of their apparent lives remains