Sublime Terrain and others

Will Mullins United States

Will’s poetry, short stories, and guest blog articles have appeared in Half Tones to Jubilee, Riverwind, REAL: The Journal of Liberal Arts, Limestone, Cyclamens and Swords Magazine, Scrittura Magazine, California Quarterly, Off the Coast, On the Veranda, Orange Coast Review, Rune Bear, Rye Whiskey Review, Salmon Creek Journal, Ripples in Space, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, Theme Park Magazine, Startup Nation, and Submittable’s Guest Blog.

Sublime Terrain

Shadowy images,
forging in the soul
what living visions
have sought to express,


are riparian forms,
bearers of dreams,
eager crimson rivers
ascending wind-swept limbs
of newly born castles,
filled with night beasts
among the Carpathian mountains.

Candle Light

Within a candle’s gentle glow,
amidst the flame of this lit statue,
I find the warmth of your kisses.
I yearn for your fangs upon my body.
Our bodies stretch out to become
fiery canvases in each other’s mouths.
We pass our hands through the flame,
and we become artists—
Surrounded by dim reflections
of life on the walls around us.