The Hoverer

Ken Goodman United States

Ken Goodman blends ecstatic meditation & poetry creation in Cleveland, Ohio. They may be reached at

Walking through the city so
            unmindful of my legs—
The Hoverer stays motionless no matter
where I go, borderless GodSky
also deLighting [this] brainbow.
How long has it hovered unstuck to egoity,
immune to post & pre, everybody’s
personal egoless deity…
why try to look & see? ‘Tween the temples it’s aware
unseen/beholdingly, never caught in neural net
                  like some blood juicy fly…
exodusted from the grip of
          pharaoh-ego I.

Which is ‘more’ The Hoverer… now or eternity?

The Hoverer embraces both uninterruptedly,
mated like a mirror shows shit & reflects stainlessly,
never clinging to a thought of
                ‘understand thought-free.’

Dawn-fresh… horizon-free!

I’d reply but secret mantra in-hears silently.